Spoken Words



On this week’s episode, screenwriter and personal essayist Mindy Stern joins us to talk about her experience as a domestic, same-race adoptee. Mindy shares about her early thoughts and feelings about adoption, how those feelings evolved very quickly, and the written journals that would come about because of it all. She also expands upon her journey with reunion, leading to a really important discussion about why it matters that we know our history and our stories.



We've all heard of the "Better life narrative" where people tell you that no matter what your present circumstances are they are better than your pre-adoption life. Well, that's not true nor is it healthy to perpetuate. My guest Mindy Stern and I break down why!



Live on stage, the renown Rogue Machine Theater presents Rant & Rave, an evening of unparalleled storytelling. The topic? Adoption. Listen as Mindy shares her journey through adoptionland with unflinching honesty.



Mindy got her first TV writing job at 48, it took her 26 years to find her biological family she says you’re never too old and it’s never too late. Mindy was surrendered for adoption in the 1960’s, she spent three months in foster care before being adopted by a couple in New York City. In this episode, Mindy speaks passionately about her lived experience and encourages adopted people to never give up. As she so brilliantly wrote in a piece for CROSSIN(G) GENRES: Adoption is many things, but what adoption is first, is loss. Loss of a child, a parent, a sibling, a story, a history, a past, a bond. It does not matter how well you are raised, how loved you are, how much better your adoptive family is at providing or nurturing or parenting. It does not matter why or if it was for the best or if your life is so much better than it would have been. It does not matter. Because before it is anything else, adoption is loss.